Scanning probe video with us
Nanostructures for better implants
AFM A Swiss success story with three letters and hundreds of applications
The documentary "AFM - A Swiss success story with three letters and hundreds of applications" was shown in the the Cinema "Stadtkino" as part of Global Science Film Festival 2024.
World Quantum day
This year, to celebrate the World Quantum Day, NCCR SPIN asked scientists of the department of physics what they thought of first when they hear the world “Quantum”. Discover their answers in the video!
1st Nanocar Race

In 2017 we win the 1st Nanocar race.
The Nanocar Race, held in CEMES (Toulouse France) is the first-ever race where molecular machines compete on a nano-sized track. The vehicles are a single molecules and must be propelled by a small electric shock from a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) on a Au(111) surface.
We have been interviewed in national and local Newspapers :
The Red Bulletin
Die Oberbadische
Basellandschaftlichezeitung !
The Red Bull bulletin
And in Beilstein Series:
1. The Smallest Car in the World
2. Der Swiss Nano Dragster
3. The Tools – STM and AFM
4. Driving the Nanocar – Manipulation of single molecules
5. The Track – Preparation of the sample
6. The Environment