Friction properties of Graphene

We perform friction force microscopy experiments with AFM at room temperature on moiré superstructures of graphene grown on metalic surfaces, platinum and iridium. We are interested in the moiré domains orientation and their influence on the superlubric transition of the slidding.
For more information:
Z. Liu et al, Nano Letters 2023
Friction on MoS2

We built up a dedicated chamber for the growth of MoS2 material on samples maintained in UHV environement. After transfer we can study the topography and friction properties of the surface. Interestingly, MoS2 exhibit superlubric properties during sliding. Song et al. Applied Surface Science, 2022.
Principle of Friction

We studied single, double and triple jumps in atomic friction and its influence on the velocity dependence. We observed that double and triple jumps occur more often at higher velocity, which leads to a non-monotonic velocity dependence of friction on a monolayer of MoS2.