Prof. Dr. Ernst Meyer


phone+41 (0)61 207 3724
mailclick here
administrative assistantMile Mirkovic

General research interests

Fundamental understanding of forces between a nanometer-sized tip and sample are investigated by scanning probe microscopy, including atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. Special emphasis is put on nanomechanical aspects of friction, elasticity, adhesion and wear. High-resolution force microsopy is performed on single molecules and molecular assemblies. Electronic and magnetic properties are determined on this scale.

Scientific Vita

2009-presentProfessor, Department of Physics, University of Basel
1997-2008Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Basel
1994-1996Project leader, Swiss Tribology Laboratory Network
1993-1994Postdoc IBM Research Center Zurich
1990-1992Postdoc University of Basel
1987-1990Research assistant, group of H.J. Güntherodt, University of Basel

Have a look to ORCID or Scholar for a full list of publications as well as LinkedIn, Researchgate and Webo of Science Research Id.
