General research interests
Energy dissipation experiments using atomic force microscope (AFM). In particular: non-contact enrgy loss/friction over 2D materials and quantum systems to investigate their quantum properties. The system is a homemade AFM with a pendulum geometry that measure tiny amount of energy loss. It operates in ultra high vacuum at variable temperature (300K to 5K) with perpendicular external magnetic field (-7T to 7T).
Scientific Vita
2019-2022 | PhD in Nanoscience, group of Ernst Meyer, University of Basel |
2016-2018 | Master Project II, group of Christophe Coupeau, University of Poitiers |
Master Project I, group of Panos Patsalas, University of Thessaloniki | |
Master in Solid State Physics, University of Poitiers | |
2012-2016 | Bachelor Project, at Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers |
Bachelor in General Physics, University of Poitiers |
Have a look to ORCID for a full list of publications. See also my profiles on Researchgate, Linkedin and Twitter.