Welcome to the Nanolino Lab at the Department of Physics, University of Basel!

Our research interest focuses on Scanning Probe microscopy and surface science. We are studying 2D materials and molecular systems with atomic force microscopy and scanning tuneling microscopy in ultra high vacuum at room and cryogenic temperatures. We are interested in their tribological, electronic and quantum properties. We also have some instrumental development of force microscopy activity.


We are active on social media. Follow us on Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

Open positions

Interested to work with us ? Don't hesitate to look our open positions or send us your CV.

Nanolino LOGO

News from us


/ Research

New article in Advanced Science

Our work on "Spin Excitations of High Spin Iron(II) in Metal–Organic Chains on Metal and Superconductor" by Jung-Ching Liu et al. is accepted in Advanced Science. Using on-surface coordination chemistry, we synthesized on Ag(111) and…
ACS ChaoLi

New article

Our work on the "Individual Assembly of Radical Molecules on Superconductors: Demonstrating Quantum Spin Behavior and Bistable Charge Rearrangement" by Chao Li et al. is accepted in ACS Nano. We show the charge (spin) state control in…
ACS Kagome

/ Research

New article

We have a new article published in ACS nano. On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Radical Spins in Kagome Graphene.

/ Doctorate/PhD

New PhD position

We have an open position for a PhD thesis in the group. The student will work in the field of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) and surface characterization. Performing high resolution KPFM measurements for surface characterization of…

Nanostructures for better implants

We participated throught the SNI network iin this nvestigation on how nanostructured titanium surfaces can improve dental implants. Have a look.
fusion Artem

/ Research

New Insights in Fusion Diagnostics!

Our latest study, "Morphological modification of Rh-C coatings upon low-energy Ar+ ion sputtering," explores a critical challenge in fusion technology: maintaining the optical performance of diagnostic first mirrors (FMs) under ITER-like…

/ Events

Global Science Film Festival

The documentary "AFM - A Swiss success story with three letters and hundreds of applications" was shown in the the Cinema "Stadtkino" as part of Global Science Film Festival 2024.
NatCom Friction

/ Research

New article in Nature Communications

The paper “Non-Amontons frictional behaviors of grain boundaries at layered material interfaces” by Yiming Song and co-workers was published in Nature Communications.

/ Events

Colloquium Presentation from Katharina Franke

Katharina Franke from FU Berlin gave an inspiring colloquium's talk about "Opportunities from single magnetic adatoms on superconductors".
defense PH

/ Doctorate/PhD

PhD defense

Congratulation to Dr. Paul Hiret for his PhD thesis defense: "Radiofrequency magnetised and unmagnetised plasma sheath/bulk properties and their influence on the erosion distribution".